

Monday, August 13, 2012


Day 6: Pet peeves

Wow I am sure I have a lot of these.  So I might just sound like a jerk in this post, or not.  

+ When the toothpaste lid does not get put back on the toothpaste.  Why would you do such a thing?  It gets messy and hardens and then you get hard toothpaste in your mouth.  PUT THE LID ON THE TOOTHPASTE.

+ If you are at a movie watch it.  If you have an important comment whisper it.  If you are wanting to have a conversation through the WHOLE MOVIE go somewhere else. Or else consequences might include having popcorn thrown at you, being called a stupid moron, or being told to SHUT UP.

+ There is a sign on the freeway that states: slower drivers keep right.  Therefore, if you are going to go under the speed limit get out of the right lane.  Also, the right lane is the "fast lane" so go at least 5 over the speed limit.  And do not go in the "fast lane" just so you don't have to be behind someone, even though you are not going faster than them.

+ I am aware you are smart and intelligent.  However, if you are constantly correcting me on my grammer I will get a strong urge to punch you.  I know I have pretty good grammer, is it all exactly perfect and correct, no.  AND do not state "I know" to everything I say, like you had any idea what I was going to say.  Gosh you were the annoying kid in school who always raised their hand and gave long boring drawn out comments in every class.

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